Kirill P. Pshenisnov, M.D.


Born on January 21, 1960, Yaroslavl, USSR to a family of Tamara F. Pshenisnova, M.D. 

Kirill P. Pshenisnov, M.D. completed his postgraduate plastic surgery training in Yaroslavl Medical Academy in 1989. In 1992 he defended his Ph.D. degree on the outcomes of free micro vascular free flap transfer in cases of trauma. In 1993 he served as a the first Russian Visiting Scholar at the PSEF program (USA).

From 1994 he is professor of plastic surgery at the traumatology teaching hospital in Yaroslavl, Russia. He is a founding and Council member of the national Russian Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, as well as ISAPS and WSRM active member, ASPS corresponding member.

Professor Pshenisnov is an author of two monographs and 125 articles in Russian and international journals, contributor to 3 chapters in books.


Office Personal

Saltykova-Shedrina Street, 11

Yaroslavl 150000 Russia

Plastic Surgery Center

Tel. +7-4852-320011
Phone +7-910-6620240

Fax. +7-4852-329888




High School #4 with in-depth studying of English language in Yaroslavl, Russia, graduated in June 1976


Yaroslavl State Medical Institute

September 1976 – June 1982

Degree - M.D., uniform State license Г-1 #443961


General Surgery

Final year at the Medical Institute, 1981 – 1982

Yaroslavl City Hospital #9


General Operative Surgery

Yaroalsvl State Medical Institute

September 1982 – August 1985

Chief - Prof. Yu.V. Novikov, M.D.


International Scholar, Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation, USA

Postgraduate courses

Department of Plastic Surgery Eastern Virginia Medical School, January 1993 – February 1993

Chief — Professor James H. Carraway, M.D.

Division of Plastic Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, March 1993 – April 1993

Chief — Professor Donald Serafin, M.D.

Division of Plastic Surgery, Unoversity of Pittsburgh, May 1993 – June 1993

Chief — Professor J. William Futrell, M.D.


Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Yaroslavl Medical Academy, diploma ПП № 938682 September 2005 – January 2006

Chief — Professor V.V. Klyuchevsky, M.D.

Plastic surgery Russian Stete Medical University in Moscow, diploma ПП-1 № 500565 January 2010 – April 2010

Chief — Professor N. Manturova, M.D.

Board Certification

General Surgery certificate A # 04787875

Plastic Surgery Certificate A # 4128791

Professor Certificate ПР# 007428, April 17, 1996

Other Certification

Dissertation “The Ways of Enhancement the Results of Autogenous Vein Usage for Arterial Grafting”1985 Diploma of Candidate of Medical Science MD #022423

Dissertation "Microsurgical Tissue Autotransplattation in Traumas and Disorders of Locomotive System”, 1993 Diploma of Doctor of Medical Science DT#019076


The Prize for the best National student scientific work from The USSR Academy of Madical Science, 1981 and from the Ministry of Hither Education, 1981

"Inferior Epigastric Atrery as Autoarterial Graft"

The Award from Yaroalvl Disrtict Youth Comsomol League, 1996

Hospital Positions

Attending Surgeon

Yaroslavl Solovjov’s Clinical Hospital

September 1986 - present

Private practice in the Center of Plastic Surgery in Yaroslavl

September 1997 - present

Published works

  1. Minachenko VK, Pshenisnov KP, Sidorov VB. Liquid-crystal thermal indication as a means of monitoring follow-up of the status of microsurgical autografts of tegmental tissues. Klin Khir. 1987; (12):12–3.
  2. Shormanov SV, Pshenisnov KP. Changes in the walls of autologous venous grafts after transplantation into arteries. Arkh Anat Gistol Embriol. 1987 Jun; 92(6):19–25.
  3. Pshenisnov KP, Shormanov SV. Comparative analysis of structural change in a free autovenous graft and in a transplant with spiral reinforcement after correction of experimental arterial defects. Cor Vasa. 1988; 30(3):218–24.
  4. Minachenko VK, Pshenisnov KP, Sidorov VB, Berezin VN. Removal of a pigmented tumor from the forehead and replacing the defect with a flap from the dorsum of the foot. Vestn Khir Im I I Grek. 1988 Jan; 140(1):124–5.
  5. Pshenisnov KP, Sidorov VB, Panchenko KI, Krivov VA. Changes of the dermal-fascial autograft after transplantation on the vascular-nervous connections using a microsurgical technique. Arkh Anat Gistol Embriol. 1988 Oct; 95(10):64–9.
  6. Pshenisnov KP, Tikhomirov VA, Berezin VN, Sidorov VB. Treatment of severe combined trauma. Vestn Khir Im I I Grek. 1988 Oct; 141(10):75–6.
  7. Pshenisnov KP, Minachenko VK, Sidorov VB. Application of composite microsurgical tissue forearm flaps using radial artery. Acta Chir Plast. 1989; 31(3):134–42.
  8. Minachenko VK, Pulin AG, Pshenisnov KP. Experimental rationale and clinical efficacy of microsurgical automyoplasty. Klin Khir. 1990; (12):12–4.
  9. Pshenisnov KP, Sidorov VB, Panchenko KI, Krivov VA. Changes in cutaneous-fascial autotransplant after transplantation on vascular-nervous connections using microsurgical technique. Neurosci Behav Physiol. 1990 Jan-Feb; 20(1):75–9.
  10. Sidorov VB, Pshenisnov KP, Minachenko VK, Daniliak VV. Microsurgical plastic operations in the treatment of patients with cancer. Vestn Khir Im I I Grek. 1990 Mar;144(3):98–101.
  11. Kliuchevskiĭ VV, Minachenko VK, Daniliak VV, Pshenisnov KP, Sukhanov GA. Use of the vascularized iliac crest transplant in disorders of the processes of consolidation of diaphyseal fractures of the femur. Vestn Khir Im I I Grek. 1990 Jun; 144(6):71–5.
  12. Minachenko VK, Varshavskiĭ AI, Pshenisnov KP, Golubev IuS, Sidorov VB. The microsurgical transplantation of skin-fascia autografts in maxillofacial surgery. Stomatologiia (Mosk). 1990 Sep-Oct; (5):43–6.
  13. Rekhter MD, Bauman OA, Sidorov VB, Mironov AA, Anisimov VM, Vialov SL, Pshenisnov KP. The reparative regeneration of the endothelium of the mouse aorta during microsurgical interventions following local gamma irradiation (based on scanning electron microscopic data). Radiobiologiia. 1990 Nov-Dec; 30(6):785–9.
  14. Pshenisnov KP, Minachenko VK, Koryshkov NA, Sidorov VB, Berezin VN. Microsurgical autotransplantation in the correction of post-traumatic foot defects. Ortop Travmatol Protez. 1990 Dec; (12):32–8.
  15. Pshenisnov KP, Minachenko VK. The use of island flaps and transplants with a blood supply in the reconstructive microsurgery of injuries to the fingers and hand. Klin Khir. 1991; (10):49–52.
  16. Rekhter MD, Vialov SL, Pshenisnov KP, Sidorov VB, Bauman OA, Mironov AA. Regeneration of the rat aortic intima in the region of a microsurgical suture. Tsitol Genet. 1991 Mar-Apr; 25(2):16–21.
  17. Varshaskiĭ AI, Minachenko VK, Pshenisnov KP, Golubev IuS, Sidorov VB. Postponed osteoplasty of the mandible with revascularized grafts. Stomatologiia (Mosk). 1991 Jul-Aug; (4):50–2.
  18. Vyalov SL, Rekhter MD, Sidorov VB, Pshenisnov KP, Mironov AA. Formation of endovasal structures and intramural channels in rat vena cava after application of microsurgical suture: prophylactic effect of heparin and trental administration. Microsurgery. 1992; 13(3):143–50.
  19. Pshenisnov KP, Krivov VA, Sidorov VB. The reinnervation of a skin-fascia autograft after its microsurgical transplantation on neurovascular supports. Zh Vopr Neirokhir Im N N Burdenko. 1992 Mar-Jun; (2-3):25–8.
  20. Pshenisnov KP. Microsurgical tissue transplantation in reconstruction of posttraumatic foot defects. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 1992; 89(6):1191.
  21. Yelizarov VG, Minachenko VK, Gerasimov OR, Pshenisnov KP. Vascularized bone flaps for thoracolumbar spinal fusion. Ann Plast Surg. 1993 Dec; 31(6):532–8.
  22. Pshenisnov KP, Pulin AG. The use of preoperative muscle denervation and postoperative electrostimulation to maximize functional results in microneurovascular muscle transplantation. J Reconstr Microsurg. 1994 Mar; 10(2):65–75.
  23. Pshenisnov KP. Preoperative muscle denervation and postoperative electrostimulation in improving the results of microneurovascular muscle transplantation. ESRMМ 2 Congress Аbstracts. Copenthagen. 1994:54.
  24. Pshenisnov KP, Minachenko VK. Use of free and pedicle flaps in reconstructive hand surgery. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 1994; 93(4):896.
  25. Sidorov VB, Minachenko VK, Rekhter MD, Pshenisnov KP, Mironov AA, Bauman OA. The influence of radiotherapy and chemotherapy on regeneration at arterial microanastomoses: an experimental and clinical study. Ann Plast Surg. 1994 Jan; 32(1):45–51.
  26. Pshenisnov KP, Danilyak VV, Panchenko KI. The fate of free, pedicled and free vascularized cancellous iliac bone grafts and the effect on the healing of femoral osteotomy: an experimental study. J Reconstr Microsurg. 1994 Nov; 10(6):393–401.
  27. Pshenisnov KP, Minachenko VК, Sidorov VВ. Hitrov А.S. The use of island and free flaps in crush avulsion and degloving hand injuries. J. Hand Surg. 1994; 9А(6):1032–37.
  28. Pshenisnov KP, Shilkin VV, Pulin AG. Pre-operative muscle denervation and post operative electrostimulation in free muscle transfer. 4-th Internation muscle symposium Proceadings. Eds: M. Frey, P. Giovanoli. 1995: 28–31.
  29. Pshenisnov KP, Koryshkov N, Novikov M, Chtcherbakov А. Foot replantation. Bone Joint Surg (Br) 1999; 81-В:Supl, III.
  30. Pshenisnov KP, Bessonov SN. Operation smile and its help in the development of plastic and reconstructive surgery in Russia. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1999 Oct; 104(5):1569–70.
  31. Pshenisnov KP, Pshenisnova ES. Functional and aesthetic results of modern open rhinoplasty. Abstr. 16th ISAPS Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2002: 126–127.
  32. Pshenisnov КP. Inferior Epigastric Artery as Autogenous Arterial Graft Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. – 2004; 114(4):1018–20.
  33. Pshenisnova ES, Pshenisnov KP. Predictable shape and improved function of the nose via non destructive techniques in open rhinoplasty. Abstracts of the 17th Congress International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Houston, USA, August 28-31, 2004. – Houston, 2004: 46.
  34. Pshenisnov KP. Breast reshaping and reconstruction after polyacrylamide gel injections. Abstracts of the 17th Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Houston, USA, August 28-31, 2004. – Houston, 2004: 95.
  35. Pshenisnov KP, Pshenisnova ES. Optimizing functional results in aesthetic rhinoplasty via open approach. Abstracts. 10th Congress Espras 2005 Vienna, august 30th – September 3 th, 2005: 41.
  36. Pshenisnov KP, Patlazhan GI. Complications of breast augmentation by polyacrylamide gel injections and their surgical treatment . Abstracts. 10th Congress Espras 2005 Vienna, august 30th – September 3 th, 2005: 3–4.
  37. Patlazhan GI, Pshenisnov KP. SMAS flap in open rhinoplasty. Abstracts. 10th Congress Espras 2005 Vienna, August 30th – September 3 th, 2005: 28.
  38. Pshenisnov KP, Patlazhan GI. Innovation in open rhinoplasty technique. Abstract of the 18th Congress International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery with the 25th Jornada Carioca. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 1-5, 2006. – Rio de Janeiro, 2006: 85.
  39. Pshenisnov KP, Patlazhan GI. Refinements in nasal tip surgery . Innovations in plastic and aesthetic surgery. Ed. M. Eisenmann-Klein, C. Neuhann –Lorenz. – 2007: 292–96.
  40. Pshenisnov KP. Future of plastic surgery. Aesthetic Plast Surg 2008 May; 32(3): 407–8.
  41. Pshenisnov KP. How to open closed rhinoplasty: approach of microvascular surgeon . 11th Congress ESPRAS European societies of plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. European section of IPRAS: Book of abstracts, Rhodes, Greece, 20-26 September, 2009: 58–59.
  42. Pshenisnov KP. Microsurgery in Russia. History of microsurgery. Ed Julia K. Terzis. 2009: 753–755.
  43. Pshenisnov KP. Current status in legislation of plastic surgery procedures in the Russian federation . 20th Congress International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, San Francisco, 14 august, 2010. ISAPS News. 2010; 4(2):6-7.
  44. Pshenisnov KP, Milanov N, Patlazhan G. Complications of hydrogels in eastern Europe. 9th IQUAM (International Committee for Quality Assurance, Medical Technologies & Devices in Plastic Surgery) consensus conference, Bratislava, 23rd – 26th September, 2010: 28.
  45. Pshenisnov KP. How to open closed rhinoplasty: approach of microvascular surgeon. 20th Congress ISAPS International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, San Francisco, 14–18 August, 2010. Official program guide 2010: 116.
  46. Patlazhan GI, Pshenisnov KP. Polyurethane foam-covered implants for treatment polyacrylamide mammary syndrom. 20th Congress ISAPS International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, San Francisco, 14–18 August, 2010. Official program guide 2010: 127.

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